work journal

What it takes to collaborate across differing perspectives

October 29, 2023

These days, I mostly write for myself, here. On the rare occasion I decide to write for a client, I aim to make it high value for all involved. The report I wrote for the Big Sky Resort Area District, commonly known as "Resort Tax," is one of those situations.

The process described within it is one I hope many can learn from.

It depicts a dynamic, challenging and ultimately very positive series of facilitated sessions I guided this group of 12 leaders though, showing what it takes to collaborate, even across a gulf of differing perspectives. Here's what it boils down to:

We need to see each other as humans first and learn why each of us holds the views we do.

I’ve heard from several people who are using this report to learn about the group’s work exploring whether Big Sky might incorporate as a municipality, and I’m glad it’s providing useful intel.

Now, zoom out with me for a minute. My hope is that readers will also see the journey this group took to listen to different opinions, reframe their own assumptions, and move forward together to build something entirely new.

We can do this. It’s not easy, but we have what it takes. And it’s worth it.

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Read the Resort Tax Report
inquire > reframe > transform >
Think we might work well together?